We understand what it’s like to be a working parent: having to be in two places at once, finding time for family.
That’s why we are open longer hours, 12 monthsa year.
We serve breakfast, hot lunch, dinner and snack.
Many new parents are surprisedto find out how completeour educational program are.
Whole child development is our guiding principle helping your child growphysically, intellectually , emotionally and socially.
We created ourwxclusive curriculum . Each age appropriateprogram offersjust the right balance of structure and independent.
Special themes , lessons plans and activities teach essential concepts , while classroom environments encourage your child to lern by doing, thinking and imagining.
Preschool is an exciting time of discovery. Earlylearning -program for 2 years old where children are introduced to learning through a series of projects, using dolls, balls, puppets, stories and daily activity. Children gain confidence, self- esteem and a love of learning.
Preschool for 3 years old- program emphasizes basic letter recognition and beginning math and science concept. Your child will have plenty of time to explore projects. Hands on activities teach basic math and science concept, reading programs introduce the alphabet using letters, sounds and words.
Preschool for 4 years the final stage our preschool program is designed to give your child foundation to be ready for school. Our program continues teaching advanced letter recognition and phonics skills. Monthly themes and weekly activities further your child’s development in all areas, including math, science and social interaction. Kindergarten is a fully developed, literacy based program is designed to get children ready for the first grade with fundamental instruction in math, science, art, music. A program that meets the physical,emotional, social and intellectual needs of the child is a balanced program geared toward the whole child.
We understand what it’s like to be a working parent: having to be in two places at once, finding time for family.
That’s why we are open longer hours, 12 months a year.
We serve breakfast, hot lunch, dinner and snack.
Many new parents are surprised to find out how completeour educational program are.
Whole child development is our guiding principle helping your child grow physically, intellectually , emotionally and socially.
We created our wxclusive curriculum . Each age appropriate program offers just the right balance of structure and independent.
Special themes , lessons plans and activities teach essential concepts , while classroom environments encourage your child to lern by doing, thinking and imagining.
Toddler program
15 Months – 2 year
Preschool Program Ages
2 – 3 Day Care
Pre-Kindergarten Ages
4 years Day Care
5 years before Sept. 1
Before and After School Care
6-12 years
10 Week Summer Camp
6-12 years
Extra full day
School closing 6-12 years
Saturday Program
Infants Program
5 Months – 15 Months
Small class size
Large outdoor playground
Tender, loving, gentle care
Licensed Preschool-Kindergarten program
Progress reports
Language Art
Year round Program
Parent job-child enrichment program
Hot nutritious meals-freshly cooked
Creative learning every day
Preschool is an exciting time of discovery. Early learning -program for 2 years old where children are introduced to learning through a series of projects, using dolls, balls, puppets, stories and daily activity. Children gain confidence, self- esteem and a love of learning.
Preschool for 3 years old- program emphasizes basic letter recognition and beginning math and science concept. Your child will have plenty of time to explore projects. Hands on activities teach basic math and science concept, reading programs introduce the alphabet using letters, sounds and words.
Preschool for 4 years the final stage our preschool program is designed to give your child foundation to be ready for school. Our program continues teaching advanced letter recognition and phonics skills. Monthly themes and weekly activities further your child’s development in all areas, including math, science and social interaction.
Kindergarten is a fully developed, literacy based program is designed to get children ready for the first grade with fundamental instruction in math, science, art, music. A program that meets the physical,emotional, social and intellectual needs of the child is a balanced program geared toward the whole child.