Many parents fail to control their own child. They feel powerless, off balance, and fed up with repeatedly paying attention and the child not listening. The cause may be ADHD- (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit disorder. It is one of the most common disorders of developmental age. It occurs in 3 to 20% of children, three times more often in boys than in girls. Manifested by: – ​​attention deficit disorder, – excessive impulsiveness, – hyperactivity Attention disorder: – the child is unable to concentrate on details during classes, makes mistakes resulting from carelessness – has difficulty maintaining attention on games and games – does not follow the instructions given in turn instructions – it may seem that the child does not listen to what is said to him – he has trouble completing tasks and fulfilling household chores – he has difficulty organizing his work – he quickly loses interest in the activity performed, moves on to the next one without completing the previous one – he does not like activities that are demanding prolonged mental effort – often loses things necessary for work – easily distracted by external stimuli Hyperactivity – makes many unnecessary movements – nervous movements of hands and feet, cannot sit still, plays with small objects – gets up from places and during classes – climbs on furniture – is excessively talkative – stays on the move almost all the time Impulsiveness – breaks out with an answer – has trouble waiting his turn – hypersensitivity, tearfulness – interferes with other people’s games and conversations Children with ADHD need consistency, planning a daily schedule works great, it calms and calms down. Parents should create a transparent system of rewarding and punishing the child, which psychologists call the token system: the child collects points for good behavior (beads, stars), loses them when he does something wrong. For a certain number of points, you get a reward. Children with ADHD are advised to give short, specific commands, but not in a raised tone. It is important to avoid situations where the child is taken by surprise. Hyperactive children cannot find themselves in a group, they have difficulties in establishing contacts with peers.


“The wisdom of society is demonstrated by the way it treats children”.

AUTISM is a developmental disorder that most often manifests itself in the first three years of life. A symptom of autism is the child’s inability to establish emotional contact and communicate with the closest environment. The term autism was introduced in 1911 by Eugene Bleuler. It means closing yourself in your own world. CAUSES OF AUTISM: – genetics – viral infections – perinatal hypoxia causing damage to the brainstem – developmental disorders It is wrong to see autism as a mental retardation, because 20% of autistic people are characterized by a normal mental level and 10% with outstanding gifts SYMPTOMS OF AUTISM-lack of eye contact, facial expression, body posture and gestures-lack of spontaneity, joy-delay or lack of spoken language, repetition of words (echolalia)-repetition of movement sequences (shaking hands, fingers, whole body, spinning) EARLY AUTISM In children with autism, disorders can be observed before the age of 12 months, they are not interested in the presence of their mother, they do not follow her with their eyes, they do not smile, they do not stretch out their hands, they do not react when she moves away, they are not disturbed by lonely, long-hour lying in the bed. After the first year of life, children avoid contact with their parents, they do not want their parents to touch them, they often bend backwards when taken in their arms. They do not respond to their name, they often sway and hit their heads while sitting. 3-5 year old autistic children do not come into contact with their peers. If they play, it is a game that does not show any variations, most often it is turning or tapping toys. The child reacts violently to changes, most often he also eats only selected products. ATYPICAL AUTISM It is characterized by later onset of symptoms. Around the age of 3, the child begins to withdraw and lose the skills acquired so far. Speech development stops or reverses, the child repeats heard phrases or utterance endings, stops responding to the name, does not communicate needs and closes himself in his own world.

Good Night Story

The word time hides the child’s important needs:

A fairy tale on television or on tape will not replace a book. However, in order for a child to love books, it is necessary to show him that reading is fun. The sooner we do it, the better. Today, in times of rapidly developing media, the book loses to film or computer animation. We read less and less, both adults and children. Meanwhile, development experts are of the opinion that it is the word that is read best that shapes the sensitivity and imagination and has a large impact on the intellect. And yet, to a large extent, it is up to the parents whether reaching for reading will become something natural for the child. A book will interest a toddler if it is attractive both in terms of content and form. Small formats, containing only one or two lines, are best for toddlers. The toddler cannot focus attention for too long, the more often we turn the pages and change the pictures, the more the toddler will be interested in reading. The most durable, safest and most convenient to use are oilcloth books or books with stiff pages. An interesting proposition for children are music boxes, a child listening to a fairy tale is supposed to press the button at the right moment to hear, for example, a rooster crowing or a dog barking. Thanks to this, the child listens more carefully and understands the text better. Older children will like fairy tales with puzzles or characters from a paper theater. A toddler learns about the world thanks to books, so it is worth that the drawings faithfully reflect reality, for example: the ladybug is red, the sun is yellow and the leaves are green. It is very important how you read to your child, play the characters of the fairy tale, modulate your voice, pause, whisper, imitate the voices of animals. Give your child the opportunity to choose the book they want to listen to. Reading aloud can happen at different times of the day, but it’s important to develop a daily ritual, set a special, consistent reading time. A very good time for reading is before bedtime, these moments calm the child after a whole day, wash away the stress, let the imagination fly with the words of the fairy tale in a sense of security and say goodbye to the day in a good mood. Childhood passes very quickly, the time that should be devoted to a child when it is small and needs us very much – we will never make up for it.